Internet FAQs
Getting started
- Email verification
- How do I set up my modem for the nbn?
- Providing proof of occupancy documents
- Can I reschedule my nbn appointment?
- Getting started with your Belong internet connection
- How do I set up my nbn if I'm renting?
- How long will it take to connect my internet?
- How to set up your own modem with Belong (BYO modem/router)
- Maximum attainable speeds FAQs
- nbn technology types and nbn connection boxes explained
- School Student Broadband Initiative FAQs
- Setup a Belong 4353 modem for FTTN/B
- Setup Belong modem for FTTC
- Setup Belong modem for FTTN/B
- Setup Belong modem for FTTP
- Setup Belong modem for HFC
- Two-step verification
- Useful information about nbn installation appointments
- What type of IP address will I get with Belong?
- Why was my tech appointment rescheduled?
Manage account
- How do I find and read my internet invoice?
- How do I make a manual internet payment?
- How do I make changes in my Belong account?
- How do I reset my account password?
- How do I add an authorised person to my internet account?
- How do I rejoin Belong for internet?
- How do I update my payment details?
- I’m having trouble logging in to my internet account
- Refunds for transferred internet charges
- What can I do in My Account?
- What happens if I don't pay my Internet bill?
- What’s an AVC ID and where do I find it?
Technical & troubleshooting
- How do I check if there's an internet outage?
- How do I reconnect my internet after an outage?
- Improving your wi-fi performance
- Belong modem warranties
- Common nbn modem and wi-fi settings
- How can I recycle my old tech?
- How do I change my wi-fi name and password?
- How do I download things to use offline?
- How do I replace the batteries in my nbn FTTP connection box?
- How do I set up parental controls for DWA0122 modem?
- How do I set up parental controls for DWA4135 Modem?
- How do I troubleshoot my internet service?
- Performing an isolation test
- Troubleshooting an FTTC nbn internet connection
- Troubleshooting an FTTN/FTTB nbn internet connection
- Troubleshooting an FTTP nbn internet connection
- Troubleshooting an HFC nbn internet connection
- What is Carrier-grade NAT (CGNAT)?
- Where’s my wi-fi password?