You phone number can be listed or unlisted.
A listed number means your name, address, and mobile number will appear in public directories and other related services.
Unlisted numbers won’t show up in those directories – your details will be kept private.
When you join Belong, your number is set to be unlisted by default.
The Integrated Public Number Database (IPND) records whether or not your number is listed or unlisted. You can read more about the IPND by browsing to our What's the Integrated Public Number Database? support article.
Making your phone number listed
If you’d like to change your details, get in touch with us through live chat (there should be a button at the bottom of your screen) or give us a call on . There’s no charge for listing your details publicly. It can take up to two business days for your details to appear in online directories.
At Belong, we treat your personal information very seriously, so we may be in touch to verify your identity before we make the change.
Making your phone number unlisted
If you previously changed your details to listed and you’d like them to be unlisted, use live chat (via the button at the bottom of your screen).
We’ll make the change within one business day, but it may take up to another two days for your details to be removed from online directories.