Your 12 month internet deal is ending
Got questions about your Belong internet deal ending? Let’s get them answered.
Why is my $5 credit ending?
We recently sent you an email or SMS to let you know that your promotion that gives you 12 months of $5 monthly credits is coming to an end. Your $5 monthly credit was a temporary promotion, that was supposed to end after one year, but we extended the end of your promotion. Check the email or SMS we sent you to find out exactly when it’s ending.
When will my charges change?
The end of your $5 credit promotion means your monthly plan costs will increase by $5 each month. The email or SMS we sent you has the details on exactly when that happens. Check the email or SMS we sent you for details of when your monthly plan cost will start increasing by $5.
Why am I hearing about this now?
You know what we hate? Surprises. We wanted to give you notice that your credit is ending – to make sure there are no unwelcome surprises regarding your monthly plan costs.
Will my service be affected?
Nope – you’ll keep getting all the great internet stuff you get today.
Can I get the $5 credit deal again? What if I sign up for another 12 month contract?
The $5 credit promotional offer only applied to our 12 month internet plans which we no longer offer. Please click ‘Internet’ at the top of this page for more information on our current internet plans.
Can I change my plan?
Yes, you can change to another internet plan by logging into your account and choosing ‘Manage Internet’. You can find more detailed steps here: How do I change my plan?
More questions?
Get in touch with us – we’re here to help.